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  • 101. Beyond. Migration Spaces Representation | Workshop CreaLab (34%)

    1-dic-2022 16.13.05

    Beyond. Migration Spaces Representation | Workshop CreaLab migrazione, rappresentazione, CreaLab, Fit Forthem, Culture e Società, Unipa Mercoledì 30 novembre, dalle 9.00, presso la Gipsoteca del Dipartimento Culture e Società (Campus viale delle Scienze, Edificio 15, piano VIII), si svolgerà il workshop CreaLab dal titolo Beyond. Migration, spaces, representation. L'iniziativa, organizzata nell'ambito delle attività del progetto FIT Forthem, proseguirà giovedì 1 dicembre, dalle 9.00, negli

  • 102. AVVISO - L-37 - Lezioni Migration Law - aggiornamento (34%)

    11-mar-2022 9.09.50

    AVVISO - L-37 - Lezioni Migration Law - aggiornamento calendario, lezioni, L-37, Si avvisa che le lezioni di Migration Law (prof. Mattarella) avranno inizio venerdì 11 marzo 2022. EMANUELA MIRAGLIA /sites/portale/_categories/notizia/comunicazioni/docenti/

  • 103. FORTHEM Diversity and Migration Lab | Matchmaking Workshop (34%)

    27-mar-2022 13.19.52

    FORTHEM Diversity and Migration Lab | Matchmaking Workshop FORTHEM, IncluKIT, migrazione, inclusione, Culture e Società, Unipa Giovedì 31 marzo, dalle 10.00 alle 13.00, nell'ambito delle attività del progetto FIT FORTHEM, si svolgerà online il settimo matchmaking workshop in lingua inglese, dal titolo FORTHEM Diversity and Migration Lab | IncluKIT Co-creation Pilot Project. Destinato ad accademici, studenti e altri stakeholder, il workshop virtuale affronta i temi della migrazione

  • 104. Migration, Innovation, Prosperity - prof. Ram Mudambi (34%)

    10-ott-2023 11.28.22

    Aula 4, Edificio 13, Viale delle Scienze, 90128 Palermo Migration, Innovation, Prosperity - prof. Ram Mudambi calendario, evento, lezioni, L-33, LM-56, Venerdì 10 novembre 2023 alle ore 15:00, presso l'Aula 4 dell'Edificio 13, il prof. Ram Mudambi - Frank M. Speakman Professor of Strategy presso la Fox School of Business and Management della Temple University (Philadelphia, USA) - terrà una lezione dal titolo "Migration, innovation, prosperity". EMANUELA MIRAGLIA /sites/portale

  • 105. Seminario “Migration, Innovation, prosperity” 10/11/2023 (34%)

    20-ott-2023 23.02.43

    Seminario “Migration, Innovation, prosperity” 10/11/2023 seminario, ingegneria gestionale, unipa Prof Mudambi is one of the most acknowledged professors of Strategic Management. The seminar titled “Migration, Innovation, prosperity” is expected to be very interesting and stimulating for the students of Management Engineering. No CFU will be acknowledged. SERGIO RIOTTA /sites/portale/_categories/notizia/attivita/

  • 106. Seminar “Migration, Innovation, prosperity” 10/11/2023 (34%)

    20-ott-2023 23.07.30

    Seminar “Migration, Innovation, prosperity” 10/11/2023 seminar, management engineering, unipa Prof Mudambi is one of the most acknowledged professors of Strategic Management. The seminar titled “Migration, Innovation, prosperity” is expected to be very interesting and stimulating for the students of Management Engineering. No CFU will be acknowledged. SERGIO RIOTTA /sites/portale/_categories/notizia/attivita/

  • 107. Seminar “Migration, Innovation, prosperity” 10/11/2023 (34%)

    27-mar-2024 16.24.03

    Seminar “Migration, Innovation, prosperity” 10/11/2023 seminar, management engineering, unipa Prof Mudambi is one of the most acknowledged professors of Strategic Management. The seminar titled “Migration, Innovation, prosperity” is expected to be very interesting and stimulating for the students of Management Engineering. No CFU will be acknowledged. SERGIO RIOTTA /sites/portale/_categories/notizia/attivita/

  • 108. Locandina (33%)

    24-apr-2013 8.43.28

    Università di Palermo Dipartimento di Scienze umanistiche 10 maggio 2013 Seminari sulla traduzione in lingua inglese Professor Leon Burnett (University of Essex, UK) The Art of Translation: The Migration of the Text (Ed. 15, Aula 6, VIII piano, ore 9.00) “Beowulf was elsewhere": Heaney and the Issue of 'Inheritance' (Ed. 19, Aula 6, ore 15) Presiede: Elio Di Piazza (Professore ordinario di Letteratura inglese) Saluti: Laura Auteri (Direttore del Dipartimento di Scienze umanistiche

  • 109. Methodology (33%)

    17-set-2019 19.55.22

    Methodology attansio, prin, 2017, student, migration, methodology The methods can be briefly summarised in three groups: Survival (life course) methods The (L-ANS) and the (L-ANS-ALM) databases will be suitable to apply statistical models for retrospective cohort settings, such as multilevel models, and multistate models in the presence of competing risks. In order to gain more insight into student history, we will explore the possibility of applying extended Cox Models and eventually methods

  • 110. Contacts (33%)

    20-set-2019 17.16.51

    Contacts attansio, prin, 2017, student, migration, contacts Principal Investigator & Palermo RU Leader Massimo Attanasio - University of Palermo Tel: 0039 091 23895301 Email: Naples RU Leader Giancarlo Ragozini - University of Naples "Federico II" Tel: 390039 081 2537460 Email: Cagliari RU Leader Mariano Porcu - University of Cagliari Tel: 390039 070 6753751 Email: Sassari RU Leader Danilo Delpini - University

  • 111. Outcomes (33%)

    24-ott-2023 10.31.37

    Outcomes attansio, prin, 2017, student, migration, outcomes These products and actions have been supported from Italian Ministerial grant PRIN 2017 “From high school to job placement: micro-data life course analysis of university student mobility and its impact on the Italian North-South divide.”, n. 2017HBTK5P - CUP B78D19000180001 Note for authors: how to cite the Project and the Database (update 06/07/2021) Outcomes here reported have been produced by PRIN's RUs and by all the MUR agreement

  • 112. WORKSHOP L-37 - Sicily and Texas: Performing the migration journey (32%)

    16-apr-2021 8.00.44

    WORKSHOP L-37 - Sicily and Texas: Performing the migration journey workshop, L-37, SECIM, Trinity University, Nei giorni 22 e 29 aprile 2021, a partire dalle ore 16:00, si terrà il workshop "Sicily and Texas: Performing the migration journey - A collaboration between Trinity University and the University of Palermo", con la partecipazione di docenti della Trinity University (San Antonio, Texas - USA) e del Dipartimento SEAS. Gli incontri si terranno su Zoom al seguente link: https

  • 113. Accordo PIS nel campo dei "Migration Studies" tra UniPa e la Trinity University (32%)

    6-lug-2021 13.26.11

    Accordo PIS nel campo dei "Migration Studies" tra UniPa e la Trinity University PIS, mobilità internazionale, dseas-bacheca, L-37, evento, Il Rettore dell’Università degli Studi di Palermo, prof. Fabrizio Micari, e il Presidente della Trinity University di San Antonio (Texas-USA), prof. Danny J. Anderson, sigleranno un accordo di collaborazione tra i due atenei nel campo degli studi ... nei “Migration Studies”, e i docenti della Trinity University e che negli ultimi anni si è sviluppata

  • 114. Ad UniPa il welcome day del campus FORTHEM "Diversity and Migration" (32%)

    23-set-2022 15.14.22

    Ad UniPa il welcome day del campus FORTHEM "Diversity and Migration" articolo, notizia, unipa, forthem FEDERICA PULEO /sites/portale/redazioneweb/.content/immagini/miniatura_welcome-day-campus-FORTHEM-Diversity-and-Migration.jpg /sites/portale/_categories/notizia/home_page/news/

  • 115. 13 Dicembre - Sicily and Texas: Performing the Migration Journey (32%)

    10-dic-2021 14.40.27

    13 Dicembre - Sicily and Texas: Performing the Migration Journey articolo, notizia, unipa Performing the Migration Journey Apertura 13 dicembre Luogo: Aula Li Donni e telematica (zoom) - Orario: ore 16.00 locandina Interventi istituzionali: Accoglienza del Direttore del Dipartimento Seas - Prof Angelo Mineo Saluti del Magnifico Rettore dell’Università di Palermo - Prof. Massimo Midiri Intervento del prorettore all’internazionalizzazione dell’Università di Palermo - Prof. Fabio Mazzola

  • 116. AVVISO - L-37 - Lezioni Migration Law - aggiornamento 22/03 (32%)

    22-mar-2022 7.55.51

    AVVISO - L-37 - Lezioni Migration Law - aggiornamento 22/03 calendario, lezioni, L-37, Si avvisano gli studenti che le lezioni di Migration Law (docente: Giorgio Mattarella) si terranno in modalità telematica sulla piattaforma Ms Teams - link al team EMANUELA MIRAGLIA /sites/portale/_categories/notizia/comunicazioni/docenti/

  • 117. FORTHEM Diversity and Migration Lab – IncluKIT Co-creation Pilot Project (32%)

    23-mar-2022 10.24.55

    FORTHEM Diversity and Migration Lab – IncluKIT Co-creation Pilot Project articolo, notizia, unipa Giovedì 31 marzo, dalle 10.00 alle 13.00, nell'ambito delle attività del progetto FIT FORTHEM, si tiene online il settimo matchmaking workshop in lingua inglese dal titolo "FORTHEM Diversity and Migration Lab – IncluKIT Co-creation Pilot Project". Destinato ad accademici, studenti e altri stakeholder, il workshop virtuale affronta i temi della migrazione e dell'inclusione e si propone

  • 118. WelcomeweekSecim2018_VincenzoProvenzano13012018 (32%)

    16-gen-2018 10.57.28

    presente nel Mezzogiorno • Due Curricula : Sviluppo e Cooperazione, Migration Studies (MS ... : Migration Studies Principali caratteristiche del Curriculum Migration Studies • Il curriculum ... Migration Studies II anno 1. MIGRATION LAW (4 CFU) nell’insegnamento integrato DIRITTO INTERNAZIONALE E MIGRATION LAW 2. ECONOMICS AND MIGRATION (6 CFU) Principali caratteristiche del Curriculum Migration Studies III ANNO 3. STATISTICAL METHODS FOR MIGRATION STUDIES

  • 119. Programma_ReSignifications conference (31%)

    5-giu-2018 12.55.26

    in Italy of migrants from Africa, while sparking controversy and igniting a heated debate on migration ... of how Africa and Italy have always been united by a common sea and a shared experience of migration ... of “migration” and “security”. Discourses on European fascination with Saartjie Baartman (the so-called ... as citizenship, migration and human rights. Resignifying Antigone is an attempt to articu- and makers ... – UCLA Rap Recap: Irregular Migration and the Predicament of Hope Panelists: This talk focuses

  • 120. ReSignifications conference booklet (31%)

    6-giu-2018 12.38.44

    in Italy of migrants from Africa, while sparking controversy and igniting a heated debate on migration ... of how Africa and Italy have always been united by a common sea and a shared experience of migration ... of “migration” and “security”. Discourses on European fascination with Saartjie Baartman (the so-called ... as citizenship, migration and human rights. Resignifying Antigone is an attempt to articu- and makers ... – UCLA Rap Recap: Irregular Migration and the Predicament of Hope Panelists: This talk focuses